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ELIGIBILITY: Students must be 18 years of age or younger and currently enrolled at a high school in the greater Los Angeles area to be eligible to apply for the program.

SELECTION: Participants will be chosen through a competitive interview/audition process.  

There are a limited number of spots available and not everyone will be accepted.


We need to hear from adults in your life who know your skills and experience and can vouch for your suitability for the Discovery Conductor Project.  One must be from your school music teacher, another from your private lesson instructor or other music coach (if applicable) and a third from another adult who knows you well and can speak to your character and drive to succeed.  This could be a coach, teacher (other than music), clergy person, mentor, or close family friend.  (Please no relatives.)

Please ask each of the above people to write you a short recommendation letter, highlighting how they know you and why they would recommend you for the Discovery Conductor Project.   You may want to direct them to this application so they can see what kind of information we are looking for.  These letters may be uploaded and/ or scanned below beneath each contact. 

*OR they may e-mail their letters to

Below, please list your three references with contact info. 

Optional additional materials – These are not required, but may be included if you have them


1. Resume - If you have a current resume, you may submit below.


2. Repertoire list - If you have conducted before, you may attach a repertoire list, naming the music you have conducted.  For each work, list the title, composer/arranger, the name of the ensemble you conducted it with and the date(s) of your rehearsal(s) plus any performances.


3. Conducting video – If you are able, please send us a short (5-10 minutes max) video of yourself conducting a live ensemble of musicians.  This could be from a rehearsal or performance, whatever you have.  It can be your school band or orchestra, a youth orchestra you belong to or an outside group of your own making.  This is just to give us a sense of your current abilities in front of a group of live musicians.

You may submit the footage below in .mp4 or .wav format. 

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